SSRS MS SQL ODBC connection to SFAServ

SSRS MS SQL ODBC connection to SFAServ

I am looking for instructions on how to query data from MS SQL Studio and SSRS. If needed, how to I install requried ODBC drivers and where do I acquire them?  We own the Sage Fixed Assets - Reporting Product, does this come with ODBC drivers? I do not want to use Crystal Reports for anything. Please help, thank you.

  • 0
    I'm not sure you understand about MS SQL Studio, by which I think you mean SQL Server Management Studio. You don't need an ODBC for that, you can just build queries and views right in SSMS. You can learn a lot just by asking SSMS to query data for you. Right-click on a table and select 'Select Top 1000 Rows' and you'll get an instant query for that table. You'll have a lot of homework to do to learn your way around well but there's plentiful help available in the SQL arena.

    Now, if you want to hook up Excel, or Access or some other program to the database then you'll need an ODBC. But those programs link right into the Windows ODBC facilities.
  • 0 in reply to jimatqsi
    How to I connect with SSMS? What instance or port?

    SSMS 12.0.4213.0
    MDAC 6.3.9600.17415
    MSXML 3.0 4.0 6.0
    Win 2012 R2
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