Bar Code & multibin solution other than Scanco & Scanforce

Hi all, other than Scanco & Scanforce what other solutions are availble on a tight budget if i want to start using Hand Held scanners for the warehouse as well as "Multibin" locations for my product. We are a small distributor & i'm wanting to automate our warehouse as well as reduce our shipping errors. What's the best way todo this on a tight budget? We are on Sage version 2015.

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    Tight budget? Use iPads or tables of some kind, install Teamviewer and remote into a work station. Run MAS errr Sage 100 on computer and control on iPad or Tablet.  Get some wireless scanners that are connected to the computer your are remoting into. It would work. Multibin, now that is hard. You MIGHT be able to add UDFs to the Item Cost file to hold the bin location of that lot or serial but if you have the same lot in multiple bins it could get difficult.