Closing fiscal year

I am trying to close the fiscal year for the company.  When I go into the Accounts Payable module to process the period end, I get the message unable to perform period end processing while check and electronic payment data entry are in progress.  Nothing else is open in Sage.  Help!

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    The task referenced in that message is:  

    Accounts Payable > Check Printing and Electronic Payment > Invoice Payment Selection or Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance.  If you run the Invoice Payment Selection task and the Clear button is enabled in the lower left corner of the dialog then there are entries in progress.

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    The task referenced in that message is:  

    Accounts Payable > Check Printing and Electronic Payment > Invoice Payment Selection or Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance.  If you run the Invoice Payment Selection task and the Clear button is enabled in the lower left corner of the dialog then there are entries in progress.
