I have active companies on this version, but I want to activate new company profile.
I got an error The user Input E-mail Password cannot be blank.
I have active companies on this version, but I want to activate new company profile.
I got an error The user Input E-mail Password cannot be blank.
Did you try adding an email address?
Add email address to which user?
System has only one user Admin.
I have tried to upgrade to 2023 PU3 the problem persist
the field is blank I didn't add any email.
the problem is when I create new db's (system and data) and try to activate this new company. But if I load dump to the same db's everything works perfect.
Looks like you may have email settings specified in the company profile with no password. Please try clearing the fields in Common Services / Company Profile / Email and see if that addresses your issue.
I formatted PC and installed sage 300 2023 Pu1, created databases (system and data), on activating this new company I got the same error. I decided to upgrade to 2023 Pu3 and got the same error.
There is a Kb article (118587) which offers a workaround (not a great one).
I saw it but no solution provided only create on other sage version and move to 2023 via dump
Neither my clients on 2023 PU1 onwards or myself can create new companies, and all I have is SAMSYS, SAMINC and SAMLTD on a plain vanilla fresh install. Same error message. I hope we hear some news on this soon as I'll have to setup a PU0 or 2022 install just to generate blank entities.
I am experiencing the same error on Sage 2024 PU1.
Any solution?
Hello Ramadhan,
There is a hot fix for this issue but it was only produced after PU5 was released so you may have to apply 2023 PU5 first..
Please contact support and open a support ticket, and the analsyst will see to it that you get the fix.
Hello Mwangi, there is also a fix for 2024 PU1 as well.
Here is the URL, you should be able to get it from here.. but will need PU5 installed first.
Here is the link for 2024.1
Thank you for this!
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City