• [Technical Question] Attempting to pull Tracking Number from Invoice

    For a small context, this is a part of a sync application. I cannot use the macro recorder the Sage 300 has built in to record edits - since the field I am trying to pull seems to be Read Only within the Invoice Entry. Working: Currently I am…
  • Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

    debug to line : FieldsOEHeader.FieldByName["CUSTOMER"].set_Value(); is error Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. help me, please
  • Sage 300 SDK field values not setting ONHOLD and PRIPERCENT

    Setup: C# Framework: .NET Framework 4.8 SDK: ACCPAC.Advantage Code Context: OpenView just initializes a session to the DB, there would be no issues behind this - it works just fine with everything. Important: No errors appear what so ever…
  • Compiling/Building Sage 300 Modules and Views

    Hi, I am working on building custom views into a Sage 300 module that was written in VB.NET. Is there any limitation to the development environment to compile these modules being 32bit or can the machine be a 64bit machine? I am trying to find more…
  • Update Inventory Worksheet via SDK

    Hi Guys, I am having an issue while updating Inventory Counts in SAGE300. I have created the Macro but it actually does not update the Quantity Counted in I/C Physical Inventory Quantities. Has someone successfully updated /C Physical Inventory…
  • Update Inventory Counts via SDK

    Hi Guys, I am having an issue while updating Inventory Counts in SAGE. I have created the Macro but while processing the Inventory Worksheet, it returns following error: Method Process of the 'lAccPacView' failed Has someone sucessfully updated…

    Hi Guys, I have an issue when attempting to retrieve or insert data into SAGE databases using the SDK 61A. I am able to establish connection with the SAGE database and open the Views. However, I am getting a HRESULT E_FAIL error when I try to retrieve…