Aged Payable by Payment method


We use two different fields on our A/P Vendors to designate CAD or USD. Do they both have to be set that way or can I use one of them for something different?
I am looking for a way to run the Aged Payables by Payment Method. Ie: EFT vs. Cheque.
I am thinking of using either Vendor Group or Account Set, but right now we use both of these to indicate Currency (I don’t know why!)

Hopefully someone else has experience with this and share their solution.

Thank you

  • +1
    verified answer

    You must define the Currency Code in the Account Set. In the Vendor Group, you are just setting default values (like Account Set and Tax Group) but those can be overwritten when adding a Vendor. So a Vendor Group can actually contain vendors with varied currencies. An Account Set cannot.

    So if you filter your report by Account Set, you will definitely get vendors with currencies defined in that Account Set. If you want to group all your trade vendors vs your overhead vendors regardless of currency, for example, then use Vendor Groups.

  • 0 in reply to Team Equation

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!