Financial Reporter FRFISCAL prior years


I have a report that is pulling info for each my end of years.  the .L1, etc works for every year when I use it with BALP, but it only works to L9 when using it with FRFISCAL.  My formula is =@FRFISCAL("END","L9").  When I change the 9 to 10 I get the fiscal year end for L1.  

Is there a way to get my fiscal year ends for all years needed?

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    If you use calendar months (as opposed to 4/4/5), you can skip FR and just use the Excel function suggested by Dingosoft:  =EDATE(X10,-12)   

    ...where X10 is the cell with your oldest year.  If that works, copy it to the other columns.  FR will automatically present dates in date format, but these cells will need to be formatted for Date in Excel.

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    If you use calendar months (as opposed to 4/4/5), you can skip FR and just use the Excel function suggested by Dingosoft:  =EDATE(X10,-12)   

    ...where X10 is the cell with your oldest year.  If that works, copy it to the other columns.  FR will automatically present dates in date format, but these cells will need to be formatted for Date in Excel.
