Financial Reporter FRFISCAL prior years


I have a report that is pulling info for each my end of years.  the .L1, etc works for every year when I use it with BALP, but it only works to L9 when using it with FRFISCAL.  My formula is =@FRFISCAL("END","L9").  When I change the 9 to 10 I get the fiscal year end for L1.  

Is there a way to get my fiscal year ends for all years needed?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Shane - Ascend Business Solutions

    This didn't work for me either.  It just gives me current fiscal year end.  I have formatted the previous cells as dates.

    It's strange to me that this formula [=@IF(@FRAMT("BALP.L11","4000:4999")<>0,FRAMT("BALP.L11","4000:4999")] works all the way to L21 which is my first year of data, but I can't get the Fiscal Year End to work.  It just reads the 1 not the 10, etc.
