Sage Accpac ERP Database error=49153 After restore database from another server


Hi All,

I just restore Sage Accpac 5.6A from old server to our new server (both database names are the same: "ACCPACSYS" & "ACCPACDAT").

After restore successfully and launch Sage Accpac ERP on server (on where Accpac 5.6A and its sql server database was installed) and try to login into the company, it shows "Connecting to Database" and after waiting it shows error=49153.

More Information:

- Both Accpac 5.6A Server and its SQL Server are installed on this new server.
- Database Setup is pointing to server's hostname (not using ODBC data source).
- SQL Server service is running and Firewalls is off.
- Accpac Client outside of server can login without problem, only this new server's Accpac Client has this problem

- If Accpac Client on new Accpac Server launched by right-click -> Run as Administrator, Then it could login otherwise it will error.

Anyone can help on this?
Before restore the database, it could login even without launch app using "Run as Administrator".

Best Regards,

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    Hi Jay, Thanks for reply. I read about that too, but that seems not to be problem.
    Since i confirm the firewall is off, SQL Server is on.

    And i run it inside that same server too (so firewall should not be problem).
    And all i need to do is just right click on Sage ACCPAC ERP and "Run as Administrator", then i won't encounter that error.
    But i wonder why it needs to run as admin to prevent 49153 during login.

  • 0 in reply to Yiren

    If you've launched Accpac 5.6A from a new server with a new Windows Server version then you might always have to Run it as Administrator.  As a workaround to fix this you could try adding the required 32-bit ODBC settings found under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ODBC to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ODBC or HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-<userprofile>\Software\ODBC.  This may help due to users being unable to read from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE without elevation with that old version of Accpac.  Good luck! Cheers...Tim