Incorrect Procedure. Exchange Rounding Account is not defined - although can not define rounding account for CAD accounts.

Some of you have seen this one before - I brought it to the tech support chat but really didn't help me get anywhere as they were effectively asking me to run RV spy nightly on Day end until we caught one of these occurring...  (sigh - RVSpying our Day End takes an hour minimum - at 1am.)

Upon invoice posting after day end, an error batch is created containing the invoice - invoice is created along with all the others for the day and one - once in a while - will end up on an error batch being unable to post.  Typically it's the taxes that need to be GL'd back in to make the transaction balance.

Now - our first thought was search the web - and discovered there's a potential solution to add an account directly in the SQL database ARRAS.RNDACCT.  This is of course possible but I need to make sure it won't break anything first.  Especially because the transactions we're seeing error out are typically all Canadian dollar transactions and our primary currency is also CAD.  Soooo the only A/R account that actually allows for rounding on the screen is the USD account (as defined by the A/R Account set screen in Accpac.

Please note this is a RANDOM error, we can't seem to find any pattern of occurrence - sometimes it's once in three weeks, other times it's 4 in one day.

My question is - should we actually do the change and add our Currency Gain Loss account number directly into the database - does it truly have the potential of working, and why in the world would this need to be done when the entire transaction with the customer is all in CAD?

  • We have has this exact same issue happening. This is what our Sage Support Provider suggested and it works for us:

    "I have occasionally seen this problem in the past. The system seems to get confused about whether multi-currency is required for a particular transaction.

    You can try and fix it by exporting the batch and re-importing it and then see if it posts. (you will need to delete the original batch after exporting).

    Alternatively the AR Account set table will need to be updated in SQL to add account details for the rounding account. "

    We have used the export of the batch, delete the batch and re import it method.
  • We have has this exact same issue happening. This is what our Sage Support Provider suggested and it works for us:

    "I have occasionally seen this problem in the past. The system seems to get confused about whether multi-currency is required for a particular transaction.

    You can try and fix it by exporting the batch and re-importing it and then see if it posts. (you will need to delete the original batch after exporting).

    Alternatively the AR Account set table will need to be updated in SQL to add account details for the rounding account. "

    We have used the export of the batch, delete the batch and re import it method.