How to generate Income Summary from GL Financial Reporter for user defined Range of Fiscal Periods

Sage 300 v2016

GL Financial Reporter (FR)

Is there a way to specify a range of Fiscal Periods that spans between two fiscal years when generating an Income Summary in FR? I have a bank asking an Income Summary from 7/1/2015 through 06/30/16. Coming from Sage PRO, it was easy to specify a user defined range of periods spanning across periods and even Fiscal Year. 


  • 0
    Digging more into the FR functions, looks like I will have to use FR Statement Designer to create a custom Income Summary report and add a new column to compute for =FRAMTA("NETP12PA") where "NETP12PA" is for the previous 6 months and the Fiscal Option parameter is June 2016. Can anyone confirm that "NETTP12PA" will work?
  • 0
    Digging more into the FR functions, looks like I will have to use FR Statement Designer to create a custom Income Summary report and add a new column to compute for =FRAMTA("NETP12PA") where "NETP12PA" is for the previous 6 months and the Fiscal Option parameter is June 2016. Can anyone confirm that "NETTP12PA" will work?