Does anyone have a template for importing PM miscellaneous charges?

I'm looking for a template, so that I don't have to start from scratch, that will import PM miscellaneous charges.  I have the format information and I've asked the help desk if there was a template available, like there is for clearing checks, but there is not.

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    It actually is best to start from scratch, since each customer's needs are different and you want to have only the columns that matter to you. 

    Start by entering a charge with all the info you want to capture, and then export it to Excel. In the export window, note which fields on each page are required. In Excel, rename any column you don't want to import, other than the required ones. Assuming you're talking about the Charges icon in PM, only SEQ and LINENO are required so if you want some columns to default during import (like CHARGENO or dates), rename those columns as well. Then import. If it works, delete the renamed columns from your template; if not, restore the original name and try again.