Use SQL to identify the active fiscal period


Looking for someone who knows their SQL tables here. 

How can I use SQL to identify the active fiscal period? I see the CSFSC table but what is the best way to determine which fiscal period start date to use? Looking at BGNDATE1, BGNDATE2, BGNDATE3, etc - is there a way to use the database to tell me either:

1. Which period is unlocked in all modules?


2. Today's relationship to a BGNDATE1-ENDDATE1 combination?

Curious how others have gone about this. Thanks for any ideas.

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    You have two ways.  If you're going to need to convert dates to FYFP often and need fast access then I'd make a table. You only need the period start date along with the FY/FP.  Store it in an optional table.

    If you need it to calculate once at the top of a stored procedure, for example, then create a SQL function to do that work.  It won't matter if it is somewhat of a brute force set of queries because it is a very small number of records to examine. Or load the results of the single record into variables and write the logic within the SQL function.

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    verified answer

    You'll find more info in  CSFSCST, which has a column for each period, with 0 if locked and 1 if open.  You could do a GROUP BY in SQL, containing the year and the sum of the values in each period.  The period whose sum is equal to the number of modules in your data is the one where everything is open.