PJC TimeCards v2017 PU8 - screen goes bad


v2017 PU8, RDS server got a normal windows update security plus office updates.

Now PJC Timecards does not open (data source error); all other screens open

Really weird stuff:

PM2100 ocx on server date Dec 3 but one in PU8 is dated Dec 2 ? - some kind of hotfix to PU8 ?

Anybody know anything about PJC Timecards screen going bad suddenly ?


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  • 0 in reply to Shane - Ascend Business Solutions

    will do; after their payroll is done

    very odd the dating thing Dec 2 pm on one server and Dec 3 am on another

    even copying entire 'working' folder from 'working' server to RDS server did not help it work.

    so suspecting PU1 to 8 did not go in properly and they simply got away with it until this recent windows update

    I guess we will see if this becomes a popular topic in the next few days