AR Import

I am working on an AR Import for Sage 300 in the actual Accounts Receivable Module; I am having trouble with the taxes calculating properly. If I manually enter the invoice I put the total in the top line and the subtotal below as taxable to the right tax group and hit calculate taxes and then save. When I try import many invoices and set it up to do that it says the 'sum of my distributions do not equal the invoice amount'. But it isn't giving me the screen to hit that calculate taxes it just errors out the import. Am I missing something? I have been told that I would have to manually calculate the tax but not to the tax groups we have set up but to each tax id and add a distribution line for each id needed in the import. This is for service work and I could have 100's of invoices to potential import in a week and that seems like more work than manually entering them so I am hopeful there is a way around this and my limited knowledge of Sage 300 is the problem. 

Below is a list of work arounds I have tried unsuccessfully.

I tried to enter the tax line to a different distribution than '9' for tax, like 7 for other or 8 for add-on, but the tax g/l in the spreadsheet makes the import error 'Control account required for accrual credit. (671)' Maybe there is something I can add to my spreadsheet to get past that error?

I am not sure if there is maybe a way to transfer the tax line to different tax ids once in the system other than voiding in the invoice and resubmitting to the right tax group. If this is possible somehow I could maybe work this out as well.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas or work arounds out there. 

  • Try eliminating all tax fields from your import file.  You can either live dangerously and omit those columns, or rename the headers so that Sage will ignore them on import.  If Sage doesn’t find those fields, it will allow the application to calculate tax.  If they’re in the import, it assumes you’re trying to override th automatic calculation.

  • Try eliminating all tax fields from your import file.  You can either live dangerously and omit those columns, or rename the headers so that Sage will ignore them on import.  If Sage doesn’t find those fields, it will allow the application to calculate tax.  If they’re in the import, it assumes you’re trying to override th automatic calculation.

  • in reply to wheumann

    I am converting my file to a .txt so no headers!! I thought when I left off the tax line, didn't reference the Tax G/L Account and just put the distributions in as subtotals it would calculate on the import but then it gave me the "Invoice amount does not equal the sum of its distribution amounts." Duh calculate tax. I don't mind living dangerously especially with a system as 'fickle' as Sage 300 seems to be. I will play with this again and see if I can get it to work! Thanks!