Create Payment Batch - Sage 300



We run 3 monthly payment runs, US $, # STG and Euros. We want to pull up all three payment runs and pass them to the director for approval. The trouble we have is that once we have pulled up the dollar payment run, it wont let us pull up the other two payment runs until the first payment run has been posted. We don't want to post is as it hasn't yet been approved.

How can we produce multiple payment runs all in different currencies ready for approval without having to post them.

How does anybody else deal with this issue?

Your help would be appreciated

  • 0

    You can't in the standard Sage 300 product.  A basic and long standing flaw.

    I believe Tairox Productivity Suite can handle it (

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    Thanks Stephen,

    Do you know of any work rounds such as exporting the payment run and then re-importing? Or do you just have to pay for this add on?

  • 0 in reply to Becky Searle

    I'm not aware of ant workarounds, sorry.  It would be nice if Sage addressed some of these gaps alongside some good work with new functions.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Sub MainSub()

    Dim a4wLink As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacDBLink

    Dim ApPaybatch As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPayheader As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail1 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail2 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail3 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail4 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail5 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
    Dim ApPaydetail6 As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView

    With a4wLink
    .OpenView "AP0030", ApPaybatch
    .OpenView "AP0031", ApPayheader
    .OpenView "AP0033", ApPaydetail1
    .OpenView "AP0034", ApPaydetail2
    .OpenView "AP0032", ApPaydetail3
    .OpenView "AP0048", ApPaydetail4
    .OpenView "AP0170", ApPaydetail5
    .OpenView "AP0406", ApPaydetail6

    End With

    ApPaybatch.Compose Array(ApPayheader)
    ApPayheader.Compose Array(ApPaybatch, ApPaydetail3, ApPaydetail1, ApPaydetail6, ApPaydetail5)
    ApPaydetail1.Compose Array(ApPayheader, ApPaydetail2, ApPaydetail4)
    ApPaydetail2.Compose Array(ApPaydetail1)
    ApPaydetail3.Compose Array(ApPayheader)
    ApPaydetail4.Compose Array(ApPaybatch, ApPayheader, ApPaydetail3, ApPaydetail1, ApPaydetail2)
    ApPaydetail5.Compose Array(ApPayheader)
    ApPaydetail6.Compose Array(ApPayheader)

    Dim sBatch As String

    sBatch = InputBox("Enter the payment batch number:")
    ApPaybatch.Browse "CNTBTCH = " & Val(sBatch), True
    If ApPaybatch.Fetch Then
    ApPaybatch.Fields("BATCHTYPE") = 1
    MsgBox "Batch " & sBatch & " does not exist"
    End If

    End Sub

  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    Thank you very much, that's great to know

  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    Oh My Goodness!!!!! Thank you!!! 
    However, I wish Sage would just change some programming and look for pending transactions, that's it, that's all they have to do, exclude pending transactions.  It shouldn't matter if a batch is a system generated payment batch, they should select all the criteria as given, ignore any pending transactions and allow the creation of the batch.

    For anyone from Sage that might be reading this, this is an easy product feature / fix to add to an update and will save your clients thousands of hours of processing time a year.