Best way to deal with shipments with 0 items shipped


We use Sage 300 and Auto Simply. We run into an issue when we pick an order in auto simply, which creates the shipment for us as soon as we post it on the handheld. If the customer then cancels the order before it is picked up, or the freight company doesnt pick it up we need to return that product to stock and re-pick it later (some of the product we sell has an expy date that is calculated from the shipment date and some is frozen so we cannot have it just sitting around a few days as we wait for the freight companies). 

Currently we go into the shipment and change the QTY shipped to 0 which puts it back into inventory. The issue is there is now a shipment and many times accounting will run though and invoice all the shipments which includes those so the customer keeps getting emails for $0 and it just looks a little messy. 

Is there a better way to do this? 

  • +1
    verified answer

    I would suggest leaving the Auto Simply process as it is.

    Rather focus on the $0 shipment invoices. Stop finance creating them, if possible. On the OE Invoice Entry screen, skip the shipment, or on the detail line set Qty Invoiced to zero.

    Or, if not possible, then if the zero amounts are one line on a larger invoice, use Crystal Reports Designer to suppress lines where shipped = 0 and total $ =0.

    If they are $0 total invoices, look for a way to stop them traveling out the door. Maybe:
    Crystal / Manually extracted if volumes are low  /  Are they being auto emailed? - look to that process.

  • 0 in reply to WWOOLMER

    I believe that sage is set up to automatically email the customer when the invoice is created, I’ll talk with accounting to see why they don’t just skip over those shipments, perhaps they don’t like leaving things “open” and I believe there are alerts set up to notify if things are shipped and not invoiced.