Help - Using the Web API to generate prepaid orders?



We have transactions that our customers have paid for using a credit card. We'd like to get those processed transactions brought in to Sage as an order that has a prepayment applied to it, so that the invoice that is automatically generated shows an amount due of zero dollars.

So, from what I currently know, we need to do the following for this type of transaction:

  1. Create a new A/R Receipt Batch by calling ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches.
  2. Create a prepayment by calling ARPostReceiptsAndAdjustments, and reference the A/R Receipt Batch to add it to the batch.
  3. Create an OEOrders and reference the prepayment in the details.

So, I guess I have a few questions:

  1. I'm unsure if the workflow that I've described above adequately solves what we are trying to accomplish. If I could get feedback on whether the workflow above describes the steps that are necessary to commit a credit card transaction into a prepaid Sage order, that would be great.
  2. Models in the Web API have hundreds of properties, and I'm not sure which ones need to be set in order to build what we are trying to create. If there is documentation somewhere where could understand these properties and you could share those details, or if you could clarify which properties are important for the steps I've outlined above, that would be a huge help.

