Sage 300, and VM's in the year 2021, slow performance still?

I've seen posts about sage300 and sql server not supported on VM,s and simply can't believe that to be true. Especially with all the people selling hosting packages now a days.   So I have to ask, is it still True?  

I have slow performance, and have went through the following, with the following server:

Dell R740, Intel Xeon 4214 @ 2.2 ghz.  Perc 740 running 8 SSD drives in raid 10, 128gb of ram. The base server rips, it installs software so fast I thought the install of a backup software failed at first.

Runing 4 VMs, one a low duty app server, then  Sage300 (with remote desktop services but no remote users at the moment) , sage crm server, and finally the sql server.  All just upgraded to server 2019.  SQL server is still SQL 2012 at the moment.  Sage 300 version 2019.

The virtual switch running just the VM's is a 10gb connection to the main switch, which itself is a gb switch.  We have active at the moment only 7 users, but sometimes it's 10.  THe sql database also runs third party shipping software, and crm.  This should be very light loading. Company database is 20.7gb.


I went through registries and links, no references to old servers or data servers.  I thought that running an inventory on hand detail report shouldn't take minutes running directly on the server.

Even opening up screens sometimes takes a few seconds.  Am I expecting to much? 

Sage300 server: 32gb of ram (VM)

Sage SQL (58gb of ram(VM)

Any pointers on what to look at next?

  • Were you ever able to find any solution to this issue?

    I have a similar setup (similar server hardware and database size) and it was performing not bad for Sage 300 2019; however when I upgraded to Sage 300 2021 the performance dropped significantly and continues to get worse as time goes on.

  • Were you ever able to find any solution to this issue?

    I have a similar setup (similar server hardware and database size) and it was performing not bad for Sage 300 2019; however when I upgraded to Sage 300 2021 the performance dropped significantly and continues to get worse as time goes on.
