Sage 300 crashes on company when sql database was restored from production to test


We restored a backup of one of our companies to test and now when we enter sage login info it just crashes with no error.  Other companies work so it has to be the database but it is the same as in production.  I change the database setup to go straight to the sql server rather than the odbc connection, but it does the same thing.  Any ideas?

  • Have you tried simply dumping and loading the data back in after performing the SQL restore?  I find this helps clean up any bizzare locks or strange states the backup may have been in when it was taken.  Keep using the ODBC connection and just dump your test database out and then load the DB dump straight back in.  Let us know how that goes.

  • Have you tried simply dumping and loading the data back in after performing the SQL restore?  I find this helps clean up any bizzare locks or strange states the backup may have been in when it was taken.  Keep using the ODBC connection and just dump your test database out and then load the DB dump straight back in.  Let us know how that goes.
