Upgrade from V2021 to V2023 SP1 - You have applications that are not registered

since an upgrade I performed I now receive the message that all my modules of V7.01 will expire in XX days.    Normally there is an entitlements file that is generated and this error goes away.  However this has not happened and it's been 4 days.  I tried going into license manager and hitting refresh.   Does anyone know how to get the new installed modules to be registered.  The serial # and activation codes available for V8 do not work.  It is my understanding that as of 2023 there is no requirement to create a license file it should be automatic.   

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    Check the System Information to make sure that all licenses are 8.8 and client's account for current versions.  I had one like this and found that Sage had not updated the client's licenses.  After the account was updated, everything was good.

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    I contacted support and was advised that it was necessary to go into license manager, enter the new Serial # for SM in the licensing information, then hit refresh which would create the entitlements file based on their subscription.  Once I then went out of sage and back in the error was gone and license manager reported all V8 licensing.   I was told that changing the serial # and hitting refresh will be necessary with each version upgrade.  Not sure if that is true or not.  However this did resolve my issue in this situation.  I have not had to do with before.  I am guessing it has to do with clients that are converting from perpetual to subscription.