Exporting Payroll Employee - error Type Mismatch, LASTRAISE field should be date


When we try to export the Employee section of Payroll employees in the Canadian Payroll module we get an error message before it completes that says, error - Type Mismatch, LASTRAISE field should be date.  It also says error - stopped processing at record 3491 in Employees.  The issue is that it doesn't export the full list of employees and stops at that record.

We have tracked down record 3491 and the LASTRAISE field was blank (as it is with most employees). I tried selecting a date in the LASTRAISE feild and that didn't fix it. I tried importing a record for that employee with a date (hoping it would override what is in there) and that didn't fix it. I tried changing the employee before and after that record in case it was failing at the start of the next record and that didn't fix it.

Any suggestions on what might be happening and how to resolve it?