Microsoft Excel, or a 32 bit compatible version of Microsoft Excel is not installed

Recently my workstation was upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, shortly thereafter I started experiencing issues importing excel files into Ship Orders (Tairox). Whenever I try to import an excel file into ship orders I get the error "Microsoft Excel, or a 32 bit compatible version of Microsoft Excel is not installed. Some features of 'Ship Orders' will be disabled until a compatible version of Microsoft Excel is installed." I checked the version/bit of my installed office programs (Click to Run 365) which were all 32-bit. Just to double check though I used the windows tool to completely uninstall all office programs and apps and reinstalled the 32-bit version. This still didn't fix this problem unfortunately.

Lastly I installed and ran the Tairox Install Check to check for errors. The check stated that "You must download and install the 32 Bit version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable in order to read Excel .XLSX workbooks.". I installed Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 and I still keep getting the same errors regardless.

I'm not sure what's causing this issue and was curious If anyone had experienced something similar or have a solution.

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