ARCUS:BRN added to oe invoice

i am wanting to add the brn field from the arcus table to the oe invoice.  I open the oe invoice in crystal link the arcus table in fine and place the field and it shows up blank.  I place a few other fields from the table like idcust and it works but brn field doesn't.   When i added the table i noticed that the only other table in the report was oeinpr3.  When i go into set database location i notice that its set to \oe56a\oeinpr3.dll  the brn field is a newer field that likely came in after v5.6 so I am wondering if that is related although i don't see how as I am drawing the field from arcus.  if the fact that I am using the oeinpr3 and issue?  This is a very heavily customized invoice so i do not want to re-create it if necessary.  I am not sure what the advantage/disadvantage is to using the oeinpr3.dll instead of the actual tables is   Is there a risk that eventually this isn't support.  I note ther eis a new oeinpr3.dll in the \63a directory but in set database location even if you change it to the new location it does not save.  

so i guess i have 2 questions

- how can i get the brn field on my oe invoice that appears to have originated from oeinv01 of version 5.6

- what is the advantage/disadvantage to using forms associated with the dll rather than table names?