PJC Percentage Complete

Got myself in a corner over % complete accounting methods in PJC.  Forgot it is for revenue recognition but we actually need to recognise a percentage of costs.

We need to recognise a variable percentage of estimated costs throughout a project.  Could be 3% one month, another 5% next month and so on.  Anyone know if this is possible?

  • 0

    If you use Project Percent Complete and generate a revenue recognition worksheet, you can edit the percentage on every project, which would be OK if you don't have too many Projects per Job.  I don't know if you can do it at the Job level.  You can't edit the percentage in the rev rec screen itself; you have to click the details for each line item and edit the percentage at the top of that screen.  That percentage will be applied to the estimated cost for this Project.

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    Thanks for replying.  I didn't think anyone would want to get involved with this!

    What you say is what I thought and already tried it.  However, it seems to work with the revenue, but not costs.  The costs recognised from WIP appear to be based on estimated profit and don't change whatever the percentage is.  I hope I'm missing something because the costs don't seem to correlate with revenue at all.

    The on line help is a bit confusing but tries to explain the how costs are calculated.  I haven't managed to work it out yet.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    PJC can be pretty convoluted, so I'm not sure which of these options is making it work for me.  I just added a Project in SAMINC as Style: Basic; Type: Fixed Price; Method: Project % Complete.  Then I entered and posted an invoice, which was about 10.79% complete, but I recognized only 10%.  10% of the Estimated Cost was recognized, along with 10% of the Fixed Price revenue for this project.

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    That's very encouraging and efforts appreciated.  Thought I'd done same but clearly not exactly.  I was looking at the GL posting values which don't seem to change with percentage.  Managed to repeat your findings but recognition sheet and GL postings show the full 13125 moving out of WIP and not the recognised amount of 1312.50.  Is that what you get (see screens below)?

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    Mine came out OK - I have 10% of revenue, 10% of cost, and the net difference as a debit to WIP (although I think Revenue should not go there, but that's a different issue).

    What else might be different?  Here's the setup screen for the Project:

    I'm curious about this, so let me know if you want me to test something else.

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    That's very interesting how that can happen.  The only difference I can see at the moment is that I didn't have any sales amounts.  Only costs.  We are only trying to capture costs and there are no revenues to be raised.  However, I can't see why that would make any difference as to what gets posted to Cost of Sales with my set up.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    You're right.  I just tested with no revenue, and the worksheet shows the estimated percent complete, allows me to change it, but does not affect the detail lines.  Details are 100% of cost regardless of the percentage applied to that line.  PJC :-(   

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    It's weird.  I'm sure there is logic in there somewhere.  It seems to behave differently if the fixed price amount is higher than estimated cost (works OK) and if it is less (100% of cost).

    Something to do with estimated profit but I don't get it at all.  We have a large Sage 300 prospect riding on this so I will continue looking.  Nice to have someone else as sanity check so thank you for comments so far.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    Sanity/insanity check continues! (I love a good puzzle). 

    Job must have a Customer, even if you're not going to bill through PJC.  Project must be billable (I think; not positive on that one).  Set defaults & projects to Type=Cost Plus; Method = Total Cost Percent Complete.  It implies that it's the total cost of the job, but it really is the total cost of this Project, so when you apply a percentage, it applies it to that line item, even if there's no revenue.

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    Wow!  You are way ahead of me in the testing of scenarios.  This looks hopeful.  My next step is to work out the logic so nothing unexpected comes back to bite.  I don't think the manuals/help are necessarily correct or give the full picture.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    Hmm.  I'm getting different results from yours.  The only way I can get it to work is to have no customer, so it's an internal job.

    If I have a customer then it doesn't matter whether billable, no charge or non-billable.  If no estimated revenue it recognises 100%.  This is for all three % complete methods.

    There must be something different on your contract/project set up to allow it to work without revenue being recognised too.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Bagnall

    Did you set Project Type to Cost Plus?  I can't think of anything else that might be different...  If you post your email address I can export the saminc job and send to you

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    Yes Cost Plus.  Thought I tried all variations of % complete.  Email is [email protected].

    It's really very good of you.