
Lot Tracking module, Problem lot stock date

Posted By FormerMember

After we start to use Lot Tracking module, we have questions in "I/C
Lot Number Listing Report", as below,

1. In "I/C Lot Number Listing Report (ICXLLST1)"
there are "Transaction date" and "Stock date"
How different "Transaction date" and "Stock date" ?
Why Lot Tracking have "Stock date" ?

2. We understand as "Stock date" is earlier date of
"P/O Receipt Date" or "P/O Invoice Date",
but "Transaction date" is always same as
"P/O Receipt Date". Our understand is correct ?

3. We'd like to setup always "Transaction date" and "Stock date"
are same date as "P/O Receipt Date".
How can we setup as this ?

Thanks so much!