Invoice Multiple Shipments


Hi everyone, first post here, hoping there's an expert or two lurking about.

I fear I've been guilty of assuming something, and you know how that goes.

Our company for it's long history always did Order, Ship, Invoice in one fell swoop in Sage 300.  Put in Order details, post and print, Invoice comes out.

It became necessary (and surely long overdue) to switch to more of a shipping process, with multi-shipment invoices generated periodically later, as we ship about 700 loads per week.  I got all of that working.

What I suppose I assumed was that all those un-invoiced shipments would show up in the invoicing process with a sort of tick box list, that all logic would dictate would have a select all box at the top of so you could bill all shipments to each customer.

To my horror I found a box that makes you click a finder and pick one shipment, then hit insert, then click a finder and pick one shipment, then hit insert, then click a finder and pick one shipment...  you get it.  It takes as long to do as it does to type/read that.  Hundreds and hundreds of them.  8 days of shipments took 3 hours to invoice.

I tried using the Web Screens interface hoping it might be better, but it has a slightly different but no less painful process.

Surely there's a better way to do this that I don't know about?  Any suggestions?  Tips, tricks, known customizations, add on programs?