Sage 300 V2021 PU2>I/C>QTY on hand not updating correctly


We have a client who is running Sage 300 2021 Pu2.  They recently upgraded and are experiencing issues with Inventory control and Lot Tracking.  Posting here as advance warning to other BPs intending to upgrade.  MAKE SURE YOU TEST TO SEE IF YOU ARE IMPACTED

Sage have replicated in clients data and Saminc, no patch imminent.

Example of issue

BEFORE, 50m lot, 42.7m on order, 7.3m shippable

Shipping this order of 25.9

AFTER, Lot Has correctly reduced to 24.1m (50 less 25.9)


But the Quantity on Order stayed at 42.7m making the quantity shippable -18.6 instead of 7.3m

to summarise the issue. If there is an order from 1 lot and the second order also uses the same lot, the first order makes the qty negative and you can’t ship the second order.


Database integrity with “ Fix errors” fixes the incorrect balances but the client can’t run this every day as they have thousands of items and it takes 4-5 hours to do OE.

Has anyone else experienced this?



  • Yes, we've experienced it. Regular integrity checks with fix option is the only workaround at the moment, at least for our customers. 

    It doesn't seem to be an issue when Use the Qty Ordered field in OE for the Allocation of Lot Numbers is not selected in I/C Options > Lots. But that is not an option for these particular customers.