IC Item Number Change Import File Issue


When trying to use an import file for IC Number change we get the following errors before it starts trying(and failing) to read the actual item numbers. We've used this functionality in the past with no problems. Even tried an old import file and still have the issue. It seems to be trying to read way more files than are actually in the spreadsheet. Any ideas?

Old code = New code = . Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = New code = #. Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = New code = $. Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = New code = %. Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = New code = &. Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = New code = '. Rejected: Invalid Action Code
Old code = Check Cell’ New code = ’. Rejected: Invalid Action Code

Sage 300 2019
Windows Server 2019
Excel 2019 Saved as Excel 5.0/95 also tried 97/2003

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    I am also unable to get this to work.  I made an excel file and saved as 5.0/95.  Got the rejected invalid action code.  Tried formatting as number, text, no difference.

    I saved it as a csv file.  Invalid number of columns.  I typed the following line in notepad.

    "UN-3161","X-UN-3161","0"," "," "

    and saved as a text file.  Invalid number of columns.  Also tried saving as a csv file.  Invalid number of columns.


  • 0 in reply to Nathan Kahn

    After much fiddling I've found a format that works.  This is a plain text file:


    Note there is a space after the final comma, but no quotes around the space.  The space maintains the current item description.  But don't put quotes around it or it won't work.  If you want to change the item description, then you can enter a new one in this place and in that case DO surround it with quotes.

    And LONG is the name of my item structure code.