Best practice for cancelling an order


What is the best way to cancel an order?  I thought the users could just go in and zero out all quantities, mark each line complete, and make a note as to the reason for cancelling.  But it still shows up on Order Action (even tho quantities are zero) and is still considered an open order.  I know they can simply delete the order, but client wants to have some visibiliy of orders that were placed and later cancelled.  Interested to know if anyone else has a good way to handle this.  Thanks.

  • 0

    you zero all the QTY ordered, and mark all lines as complete.  make sure they are not deleting all the lines as there must be at least 1 COMPLETE line to consider the order complete.  Also, make sure the order is still set to ACTIVE and not changed to a quote or something.

  • 0 in reply to Mike Cook

    Thanks Mike - that’s what they’ve been doing.  But even after they zero out all lines, check the box for Complete, Post, and Day End, the Complete status of the order header is still 2 and it still shows up on certain reports.  

  • 0 in reply to wheumann

    maybe the reports are wrong.  you don't even need it to go through day end.  I'm betting the report is looking for at least 1  shipment/invoice number to consider itself complete.

    You could test this theory but using the "set criteria" on the order entry search.  Set it to only show orders that have a completed status of 1 or 2 (which are the "not complete" ones in the drop down).  Then see if your order number still shows in that list.   If not, then you know the order was completed properly.  if it still shows, then something is still there such as a MISC item.