OE Confirmation Crystal Report Line Number Issue


Hello all,

We have a custom crystal report for Order Entry order confirmations. We have been printing Line Numbers on the report by using the special field "Record Number". However, we can no longer use this because if someone inserts a comment and an instruction on a line, the next line number will skip a digit. For example, if I have two line items, and line 1 has a comment and instruction, the crystal report will display Line number 1, then Line number 3.

We can't use the OEORDD.LINENUM field because if someone inserts a line in the middle of an existing order, the value is no longer divisible 32. For the same reason, we cannot use OEORDD.DETAILNUM because the detail number doesn't always equal the line number.

I was going to use the following formula, but was told it may not necessarily match the line number:

Global NumberVar x;

Is it possible the above formula could output an erroneous line number?

I know we can't be the only ones that want line numbers on order confirmations. Any help is greatly appreciated!