AccpacGrid CheckBox Column


I'm trying to create a macro which uses AccpacGrid, i wanted to add a column which contain a check box or Yes or no option in the column. I can seem find the way to achieve it. Could it be done actually? Any help will be appreciated thanks

  • 0

    This is the way that I do it:

    You create a variable to connect to the detail grid and then add a column to the grid.  Then add a column and reference the name of an existing field in the view but give the column a different caption:

    Set avlDetail = AccpacUI.UIAppControls("avlOEORDDdetail1").GetControl

    ColCount = avlDetail.ColumnCount

    avlDetail.AddColumn ColCount, "PSPRINTED", 0, kCanShipCaption, ALIGMENT_RIGHT, 100, False, False, True

    Then in the OnSetCustomItemData event in the grid you can set the cell value for the current record.

    Private Sub avlDetail_OnSetCustomItemData(ByVal bstrColName As String, ByVal bstrFieldName As String, pvBookMark As Variant, bstrData As String, pAccpacDSFields As Object)

        On Error GoTo avlDetail_OnSetCustomItemData_Error
        If StopCalcOfItemCanShip Then Exit Sub
        If CalculatingOrLoading Then Exit Sub
        If PostingOrder Then Exit Sub
        If bstrFieldName = "PSPRINTED" Then
            If bstrColName = kCanShipCaption Then
                bstrData = True
                If dsORDERDETAIL.Fields("DDTLTYPE").Value = 0 Then
                    bstrData = True
                    bstrData = CallGetCanShip
                End If
            End If
        End If

        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Sub


        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure avlDetail_OnSetCustomItemData of Form frmMain"
    End Sub
  • 0 in reply to Django

    Ok Great. Thanks for your help