Create Customized Table in Sage 300


I would like to ask question regarding customized table in company database.
Lets say we have DB called SAMLTD.
For customer requirement, I need to add another table 'CUSTOM' in SAMLTD to store information.
Then I have to sync this information with SAMLTD existing table such as APADV.

Hence, this is how I planned to do the sync:
I create a macro to do the sync & print invoice/voucher using Crystal report.
To sync APADV from macro, I will do Insert/Update/Select using the ACCPACCOMAPI.
To sync my table CUSTOM, I will do Insert/Update/Select using ADODB, since my CUSTOM table dont have ROTOID.

My question is,
1. If SAGE 300 do an update, will my table 'CUSTOM' inside SAMLTD be affected?
2. If table 'CUSTOM' does affected, what is the recommended way to create & access customized table?

  • 0

    If it is not in the data dictionary the Sage300 Crystal Runtime will not read it unless the report references it using a sql command. Also, if you do a db load any non data dictionary tables/views/etc will be lost. I am not sure about a module activation after upgrading to a newer version. You may want to look into using Orchid View Extender in order to create the custom table, which would put it in the data dictionary.

  • 0 in reply to angel g

    Hi Angel, 

    thank you for the answer. 

    Let's say I'm using Orchid View Extender for my changes(new tables & screens ), how do I install my changes to customer? Do customer need to have Orchid View Extender too? If not, What do my customer need to have my changes in their Sage 300?

  • 0 in reply to angel g

    Hi Angel, 

    thank you for the answer. 

    Let's say I'm using Orchid View Extender for my changes(new tables & screens ), how do I install my changes to customer? Do customer need to have Orchid View Extender too? If not, What do my customer need to have my changes in their Sage 300?
