PopUpDS Event



im trying to create a macro to capture Popup data sources, and capture the events of the ds. I created this code below, then I tried to debug. But it does not capture the events of the dsPORCPLDet. Is it possible to have this function in Sage . Thanks

Private Sub AccpacPO1310UICtrl1_OnPopupOpened(ByVal strPopupName As String, PopupDSs As AccpacPO1310.ACCPACDSControls, PopupCtls As AccpacPO1310.ACCPACControls, strPopupCaption As String, icoPopup As stdole.Picture)

If strPopupName = "DetailEntryZoom" Then
Set dsPORCPL = Nothing
Set dsPORCPLDet = PopupDSs("dsPORCPL")
End If
End Sub

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    If I recall, you cannot debug these due to some limitation/bug in VB/VBA.  You'll need to run the macro and use msgbox to get the name of the popup form.  Otherwise, what you're doing looks correct.  Note that you can use the same datasource variable when you connect to the popup so you can assign the popupdss to your existing variable and when the popup closes you can assign it to the DS on the main UI.  That was you only have to write one set of event code for that datasource.

  • 0

    If I recall, you cannot debug these due to some limitation/bug in VB/VBA.  You'll need to run the macro and use msgbox to get the name of the popup form.  Otherwise, what you're doing looks correct.  Note that you can use the same datasource variable when you connect to the popup so you can assign the popupdss to your existing variable and when the popup closes you can assign it to the DS on the main UI.  That was you only have to write one set of event code for that datasource.
