Sage 2017 - 64A can't login through C# App.


Wrote simple app to simulate login into Sage 300 in C#

i can query the company names... but when i try to actually use a password and login user it gives me Invalid Signon Information error message, anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

session = new ACCPAC.Advantage.Session();
session.Init("", "XX", "XX1000", "64A");
foreach (Organization org in session.Organizations)
if (org.Type.ToString() == "Company")
Info.Text += "Company ID: " + org.ID + " Name: " + org.Name + " Type: " + org.Type + "\r\n";

session.Open("BOB", "somePassword", Company.Text, DateTime.Today, 0);
mDBLinkCmpRW = session.OpenDBLink(ACCPAC.Advantage.DBLinkType.Company, ACCPAC.Advantage.DBLinkFlags.ReadWrite);

  • 0

    The basic code is:

    using ACCPAC.Advantage;
    Session accpacSession;
    DBLink mDBLinkCmpRW;
    View csQry;
    private int OpenDBAndComposeViews(string psCompany)
        accpacSession = new Session();
        accpacSession.Init("", "XY", "XY1000", "64A");
            accpacSession.Open("ADMIN", "ADMIN", psCompany, DateTime.Today, 0);
            mDBLinkCmpRW = accpacSession.OpenDBLink(DBLinkType.Company, DBLinkFlags.ReadWrite);
            Compose views here
            csQry = mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView("CS0120");
            return 0;
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogHelper.Log(LogTarget.EventLog, "Unable to connect to Sage. Message: " + ex.Message);
            return 1;
    private void CloseSageConnectionAndCleanup()
        if (csQry != null) csQry.Dispose();
        if (mDBLinkCmpRW != null) mDBLinkCmpRW.Dispose();
        if (accpacSession != null) accpacSession.Dispose();
    private void DoSomething()
        string sDBName = "";
        string sCompanyName = "";
            csQry.Browse("select ORGID, CONAME from CSCOM", true);
            while (csQry.Fetch(false))
                sDBName = csQry.Fields.FieldByName("ORGID").Value.ToString().Trim());
                sCompanyName = csQry.Fields.FieldByName("CONAME").Value.ToString().Trim();
            Console.WriteLine("DB Name: " + sDBName);
            Console.WriteLine("Company Name: " + sCompanyName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogHelper.Log(LogTarget.File, $"Error: {ex.Message}");

    This isn't a fully working piece of code but it gives you the basis of what you need. If you still have problems, let us know.

  • 0 in reply to Vega

    Thank you so much for the code,

    but the exception is as follows:

    Invalid Signon Information

    Make sure to supply the correct User ID and Password

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