Sage300 2023 installed on W2022 OS stanadard edition - 64 bit office 365

Is there a plan to get the sage 300 macros to run in 64 bit excel? If someone has them running in 64 bit, what was your solutions?

I find the macros will only run in 32 bit and cannot get the out of box macros to run in 64 bit. Also Sage intelligence does not run properly in 64 bit excel.

Sage VBA will not initiate in the 64 bit environment.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in Advance


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  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    OK, yes, I have Sage intelligence running with the 64 bit finally.  But Macros still do not run.  I get no response at all when I attempt to run one, not even an error message. So you are saying the out of the box macros won't run because they are accessing from the datasource object?  Well I guess  that means the Sage macros don't run in 64 bit?

    I am not a macro expert, I just select the macros that I want to run, like the getrates or the cashflow. Usually a menu will appear for you to select but I do not even get a menu.  How do I fix that?  I can't modify the out of the box macros, can I?


  • 0 in reply to BNS7110

    If the .AVB macro tries to call Excel, it won't work, because AVB macros are 32-bit.  But, VBA code inside 64-bit Excel can use the Sage COMAPI objects.  

    I just checked, GetRates and Cashflow won't work because they call Excel.  Sorry.

  • 0 in reply to Jay Converse Acumen

    So you are saying I am correct? The out of the box macros are not compatible with 64 bit excel?  Something Sage needs to address if they are claiming 64 bit excel is compatible I would think.

    Thank you for your feed back.  I am not having the customer pay for time to modify the macros, Sage should be doing that.
