I have a Sage 300 program, developed in VB.Net, that generates crystal report PDFs.
When I run the program from the Sage 300 desktop on my client's server, it works just fine by passing the session token as a parameter.
It also works fine running in Debug mode on my development workstation at my office where it creates the session itself.
When I run it on my client's server from outside of Sage 300 and create my own Sage 300 session the AccpacCOMAPI complains when I try to print the form. Error follows.
Unhandled Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Unknown error 0x80040200
at AccpacCOMAPI.IAccpacReport.PrintReport()
at SKUSimpleMakeLabels.Module1.PrintLabels(String& shinum, String truckname) in D:\MyDocuments\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\SKUSimpleMakeLabels\Module1.vb:line 502
at SKUSimpleMakeLabels.Module1.Main() in D:\MyDocuments\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\SKUSimpleMakeLabels\Module1.vb:line 178
Here is my session stuff
mSession.Init("", "AS", "AS9031", My.Settings.ACCPACVERSION)
mSession.Open(My.Settings.SAGEUSER, My.Settings.SAGEPASSWD, My.Settings.ACCPACDB, Today, 0, "")
mDBLinkCmpRW = mSession.OpenDBLink(AccpacCOMAPI.tagDBLinkTypeEnum.DBLINK_COMPANY, AccpacCOMAPI.tagDBLinkFlagsEnum.DBLINK_FLG_READWRITE)
And here is my report block
Dim rpt As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacReport
rpt = mSession.ReportSelect("OEPICK01[" & My.Settings.LABELFORM & "]", " ", " ")
Dim rptPrintSetup As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacPrintSetup
rptPrintSetup = mSession.GetPrintSetup(" ", " ")
rptPrintSetup.DeviceName = "Brother HL-L2360D series Printe"
rptPrintSetup.OutputName = "TS001"
rptPrintSetup.Orientation = 1
rptPrintSetup.PaperSize = 1
rptPrintSetup.PaperSource = 15
rpt.SetParam("SELECTBY", "1") ' Report parameter: 2
rpt.SetParam("SORTBY", "0") ' Report parameter: 3
rpt.SetParam("FROMSELECT", shinum) ' Report parameter: 4
rpt.SetParam("TOSELECT", shinum) ' Report parameter: 5
rpt.SetParam("FROMLOC", "1") ' Report parameter: 6
rpt.SetParam("TOLOC", "1") ' Report parameter: 7
rpt.SetParam("PRINTBY", "0") ' Report parameter: 14
rpt.SetParam("SERIALLOTNUMBERS", truckname) ' Report parameter: 15
rpt.SetParam("PRINTKIT", "0") ' Report parameter: 11
rpt.SetParam("PRINTBOM", "0") ' Report parameter: 12
rpt.SetParam("REPRINT", "1") ' Report parameter: 8
rpt.SetParam("QTYDEC", "0") ' Report parameter: 9 - O/E Sales History:Detail,Sort by Item Number
rpt.SetParam("COMPLETED", "1") ' Report parameter: 10
rpt.NumOfCopies = 1
rpt.Destination = AccpacCOMAPI.tagPrintDestinationEnum.PD_FILE
rpt.PrintDir = Labelfolder & UCase(shinum) & ".pdf"
In the error message, line 502 refers to the rpt.PrintReport() line
I need this to run from the task scheduler and I have done this before to automate Day-End-Processing and data importing but somehow reporting seems to have different requirements?
Does anything jump out at you?