Getting customer group on OEINPR3


Hey - I have a client who wants to suppress some pages of the OEINPR3 invoice form based on the customer group field. I looked in this data pipe report and I don't see that field anywhere. Is there a way to get that field on the report? if so how?

I'd rather not move to another OE invoice form as we've already done a lot of customizations to this form. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to MonsterCable
    verified answer

    You need 2 formulas so that you can actually use the sub-report field in in the main report:

    Create your sub-report with ARCUS

    - Add IDGRP to the sub-report

    - Suppress the Report Header & Footer & Page Header & Footer – leave only the detail line     unsuppressed

    - (for main report when database is OEINPR3 – link is OEINPR3.Customer to ARCUS.IDCUST)

    Add the sub-report to the page header (you should be able to leave the section suppressed)

    Sub-Report Formula:

    In the sub-report create a formula named group:


    shared stringVar custgrp :={ARCUS.IDGRP} ;

    save & add formula to detail line of the sub-report

    In the main report create a formula named cgroup:


    stringvar custgrp;

    You should now be able to use/reference the formula in the main report to suppress items or sections on the report.
