Intermittent: You do not have license to use this product on multicurrency databases! VB6


I was using VB6 to customize the AP Invoice screen, it's pretty simple as i just added a new icon to print a crystal report.

It run well most of the time but it will get this error "You do not have license to use this product on multicurrency databases!" intermittently about once every 2 day. 

This error may occur during open up the screen, sometime during data entry. 

May I know is there anyone know what's the reason for this or any area i could focus on?

Parents Reply Children
  • 0 in reply to Django
    We also encountered the same issue recently. Not sure was it resolved.

    If yes, could you share some lights.

  • 0 in reply to SamanthaPhoon

    Someone posted the following on a different forum (

    I have seen this issue at various clients that are using RDP to access Sage. After a great deal of research i discovered that the issue is caused by windows being slow to copy over registry keys for the user when they log in. I normally see this the most at clients using RDP and running Sage as part of their login. It is not limited to this as i also have it with full desktop users but not as much. Clicking the Sage icon several times does eventually get it to run.
    This is what I found and used. I placed this is a batch files that runs when the user loggs in. This might not be your issue but it fixed mine!
    # Author: Matthew Arnold ([email protected])
    # Licese: This file may be freely distributed as long as it remains unchanged.
    # Copyright: Copyright ©2014 Matthew Arnold. All Rights Reserved.
    # Used to start Sage300 when you do not have a license to run this product is being displayed
    # Issue is probably caused by userinit.exe not copying the user reg keys over before the accpac.exe runs

    $userSID = ([wmi]"win32_userAccount.Domain='$env:UserDomain',Name='$env:UserName'").SID

    Copy-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration" -Destination "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\ACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC.\ACCPAC" -Recurse -Force
    Copy-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration" -Destination "Registry::HKEY_Users\$userSID\Software\ACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC.\ACCPAC" -Recurse -Force

    $path = Get-Item -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\ACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC.\ACCPAC\CONFIGURATION" | Get-ItemProperty -Name "Programs" | Select -ExpandProperty "Programs"
    & "$path\Runtime\AccPac.exe"