• ACCPAC.Advantage not found in visual studio 2022

    Hi team i am not able to see ACCPAC.Advantage in visual studio 2022 COM section. but i am able to add manually through this path C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32\ACCPAC.Advantage\v4.0_6.7.0.0__4d7048ecf2312a7c C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET…
  • open session in Windows Service

    I created vb.net application which run some macros, as desktop application it is working well, then I converted it to Windows Service also it is working well on my device but when I moved it to Client server I got : "Connect System.Runtime.InteropServices…
  • T5018 (CPRS) Print Form Option No Longer Available To User.

    Hi Everyone, We seem to be having an issue with our A/P Vendor Reports. One of our users was able to run a T5018 form from the "Print T5018 (CPRS) Forms" icon on Feb 10th. Now when she goes to run the report the icon is no longer shown, along with the…
  • Sage 300 Web Api - Ready To Post

    I'm working on the Sage 300 Web API to pass Customer Receipt to Sage 300 version 2021. In the Github documentation, it mentioned that we could set the Batch Status as Ready To Post on the POST request. A separate PATCH request is not required as the…
  • CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API

    Is that possible to add CS0120 data to accpac finder in COM API, after browse the sql statement. mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView("CS0120", out csQry); sSQL = "Select Name, Description from MYDB.dbo.Table"; csQry.RecordClear(); csQry.Browse(sSQL, true); …
  • crystal report error

    Hello, I am using SAGE/ACCPAC on a local computer and trying to run a "A/R Aged Trial Balance Report" but I am getting the following error after clicking the print button. A window with the heading " Crystal REports Windows Forms Viewer" with the…
  • Inventory transfer macro is failing when negative levels allowed

    I have a client who needs to run their inventory with negative levels allowed. We are running Sage 300 2021 with update 2 I recorded a macro of doing an inventory transfer from location 1 to 2 with a qty=5. Location 1 had zero of these items and so…
  • Crystal Report Error

    I made a report with crystal report on my local, it all went well but when running on the client pc the following message appears
  • Failed to import the ActiveX Control

    Having problem with my SAGE 2020 (300 Premium) (Build 0) When I tried to add COM Components for example AP2100 (AccpacAP2100.AccpacAP2100UICtrl) and drag that to my Empty Project .NET (VB), it show's the error below (Failed to import the ActiveX…
  • Macro PO Order

    how to retrieve vendor number values ​​on the PO Order screen using macros Thanks,
  • I/C Transfer Suppress Print Transfer Slip Confirmation Dialog box

    Hi, Is there a way to block the Print Transfer Slip Confirmation Dialog box from appearing for IC Transfer. We have created a custom Print form and wish to suppress the standard Print confirmation alert box which appears after Saving or Posting a Transfer…
  • AccpacPrintSetup crashing after upgrading to SAGE 2020 PU2

    In previous version, SAGE 2017. This code works fine. But after upgrading, it crashes. Dim oRpt As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacReport oRpt = oSession.ReportSelect("APWMSSOFTRMT[APWMSSOFTRMT.RPT]", " ", " ") Dim oRptPrintSetup As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacPrintSetup…
  • SUBVIEW.dll causing AccessViolation

    Does anyone here encounter an error for the SUBVIEW.DLL? We created a WEB API, when deployed it is fine when creating single calls. But when doing multiple calls simultaneous we got w3wp.exe error. Upon analyzing the dump file it shows: \ vi65a\SUBVIEW…
  • Print Report - Error on running connectcomaddin in macro

    Client has been running fine and this just this week we have been getting errors trying to use Financial reporter. I suspect a microsoft update but they are saying none applied. (I know don't belive them ) either way I need to know what one it was …
  • PO Entry UI Info crashes

    Every time I try to "Get Info" from UI Info for PO Entry (PO1210) it crashes. I've tried several different machines and the same thing every time. I've tried uninstall and reinstalling. No luck. Sage 300 2017 PU5
  • VBA Macro Run or Edit Error message in Sage 300 ERP V2017- update 3

    Hi, I get VBE6EXT.OLB could not be loaded when trying to edit or run a VBA Macro created for my client in V2014 we just migrated to V2017. Tried to copy the file VBE6EXT.OLB from: C:\ Program Files (x86) \Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6…
  • Crystal Report not displaying some fields when opened from Sage 300

    I have created some reports in Crystal reports 2008 which work fine when opened directly from Crystal reports. Unfortunately the client would like to be able to open these reports from any workstation that has access to Sage, so must be able to open…
  • Want to input date for macro

    I recorded a macro and this was the line that was recorded for the date. GLCRE2Fields("DATERUN").Value = DateSerial(2016, 8, 31) I want to be able to input a date and tried this. I tried this below; Date1 = InputBox("What is the month end", "yyyy…
  • sage accpac error"cannot connect to database error 49153"

    incase of "error 49153" try to configure a new port in the firewall i.t start>allow a program through windows firewall>change setting>allow another program>then add sage accpac
  • Macro for posting shipments

    Hi I'm new to Sage ERP 300. I need to import shipments from another program daily. I exported a shipment entry example and created a database in MS Access that reads the file from the other program and puts it into the correct fields in the csv file…
  • trying to run a VBA Macro without Logging to Sage 300 ERP

    I came across a blog post from 2013 that mentions that it is possible to run a sage macro without logging directly into sage using VBA, this could then be automated with task scheduler on windows here is the original blogpost from greytrix: http…
  • Batch description and Process bottom are not accessible for users

    When trying to process the Create Revalation batch in General Ledger, the Batch Description and the Process Botton are not accessible. We are using Sage 300 ERP 2014 , PU3, Microsoft SQL. Any ideas?
  • Crystal report datapipe connector fix from years ago does not work for Sage 300 2016

    Crystal report datapipe connector fix from years ago does not work for Sage 300 2016. Will Sage release another fix?
  • Is there any way to add more than 10 IC segments?

    I don't need more than 10 segments for any one structure, but we have such a wide spread parts offering that I need more than 10 global segments to accomplish what I would like to. We are in the process of upgrading to Sage 300 and figuring out IC…
  • I am using A4wSignonMgr.AccpacSignonMgr to run unattended macros but have run into a problem while now running for multiple companies.

    It seems as though the problem would not exist if I could just start a clean session each time. I am using a simple script to initiate a Macro but it apparently does not end the session when done. Thanks for any help. Bill Domke