Vendor Item cost updated by I/C Vendor Details module.


When our vendor notify us about their price change, we update our vendor cost in I/C Vendor Details module, under Vendor Cost.

If we have outstanding POs for this item in the system, we would like to receive them with the old price, because the Purchase Order was enter before Vendor notified us about price change (usually increase) . What happen is, when we receive this PO, the new price shows up after this PO was received.

We would like to have option, that was by default in, if I am not mistaken, in Accpac 5.4 and this was changed in Accpac 5.6. We now use 300 ERP 2014.

Is there an option to change setup, so the Vendor Cost is not updated on the outstanding POs?

Receiving person usually do not know prices and receive the PO with the price from the system.

As a side note, we do not use P/O Vendor Contract Cost module, which would probably override the Vendor Details.

This module is very cumbersome to setup and we would like to avoid using it.

Any advise?
