Manual Credit Card Transaction can be used when a credit card transaction has been entered or updated outside of SAGE 500 ERP and the state needs to be brought into synch in SAGE 500 ERP. For example customers are performing transactions outside of SAGE 500 ERP, usually through a virtual terminal, and expecting a way to integrate these transactions back into SAGE 500 ERP.
In Sage 500 support we also receive the calls and emails from customers reporting that credit card payment posting failed in Sage 500 but it got recorded (and eventually settled) in PAYA. In this situation we usually ask customers to delete the failed credit card payment in Sage 500 and re-enter it as a manual credit card transaction. In some instances records in tccTran and/or tccTranLog will need to be deleted before the manual transaction is processed. For further assistance on this please contact Sage 500 support.
The Credit Card Transaction form can be accessed via the Sales Order, Cash Receipt, or Invoice entry task and a new payment is created. The Manual Transaction checkbox is selected and information from the Virtual Terminal like Authorization, Reference ID, etc, is entered into the appropriate fields and one of the transaction buttons is pressed.
A successfully processed manual credit card transaction should look like this:
• Manual transaction entries, like non-manual entries, cannot be edited. If an invalid entry is made, it can be voided with a manual transaction, and then re-entered.
• Manual transaction entries are always assumed to be successful.
• Multiple manual transactions can be performed for the same payment.
• Manual payments can only be performed for new payments or payments in the Pre-Auth or Processed state.
Credit Card module security event 'Allow Manual Transaction' in Maintain Security Groups must be set to Yes in order to check the Manual Transaction checkbox on the Credit Card Transaction entry form.