need to add tsoSOLine.Description to vdvSalesHist

The subject line says it all.  I don't see a way to link that table to that view.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

  • 0
    The short answer is - No, you can't like to tsoSOLine as this is built off the summarized data that is stored in tsoSalesAnalysis. This means that there would be a one-to-many relationship between tsoSalesAnalysis and the many sales order lines that could be associated to it.

    That being said if you are just looking for the Item Description in the view, you could easily link this in by joining in the table timItemDescription and pulling either the short or long description from this table.

    Hope that helps.
  • 0 in reply to RussG
    Thanks, Russ.
    I do have the short and long descriptions in that view. The reason I want to add tsoSOLine.Description is to capture descriptions that are entered into Sales Orders and Invoices on-the-fly for a couple non-inventory miscellaneous items that we have. Another field that would sort of work if I could add it to vdvSalesHist is tarInvoiceDetl.Description, but I don't see a way to link that in either.
    vdvSalesHist would be an ideal view to use for the report I'm setting up, but it looks like I might have to create one from scratch.