Is it possible to add actual SO line UOM to vdvSalesHist?

We sell some items in metric units and some in cases.  I want to create a sales report showing all quantities in metric units.  In order to do that I obviously need the actual SO line UOM in order to determine if the item was sold in metric units or if it needs to be converted.  Problem is, I also want to include profit, and as far as I know the only table that has the fields needed to calculate profit is tsoSalesAnalysis.  From what I can tell, it's not possible to create a view that includes tsoSalesAnalysis and also a table that includes the actual SO line UOM (tsoSOLine).  Just running this by the community before I inform the user that the report cannot be created.


  • 0
    You are correct that you would not be able to join tsoSalesAnalysis to tsoSOLine as it is constructed today. You would have to refactor the way tsoSalesAnalysis is built to include the tsoSOLine UOM column as it is built. But this may also effect the way it is created if you are selling SO Lines in multiple units of measure.
  • 0
    You are correct that you would not be able to join tsoSalesAnalysis to tsoSOLine as it is constructed today. You would have to refactor the way tsoSalesAnalysis is built to include the tsoSOLine UOM column as it is built. But this may also effect the way it is created if you are selling SO Lines in multiple units of measure.