Issues with Sage 500 latitude and longitude on sales orders

WE have a custom Sage 500 task that creates sales orders from external data - I am seeing an issue where I get  an error in my SQL profiler when creating a sales order and calling the stored proc   spsoGetSOLineDist      That does an insert into #tsoSOLineDist with the values for   @_iShipToAddrLatitude,         @_iShipToAddrLongitude.   The issue is, that seems to fail.    I have found the different procs that create that temp table and I noticed that one of them  specCreateSalesOrder   does not create the columns for the latitude and longitude

(does not have  ShipToAddrLatitude DECIMAL(9,6) NULL,
ShipToAddrLongitude DECIMAL(9,6) NULL)

where all the other ones seem to.    Because of that I have issues because the insert can't succeed cleanly.    I am wondering it this was an oversite or something with that proc.    

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    Looking at Sage 500 2023, stored procedure specCreateSalesOrder used to belong to Sage's old eCommerce process which would explain why it wasn't updated to include the new columns for Latitude and Longitude.  Sage no longer maintains that code as they no longer offer the eCommerce module.  If your custom task is using this stored procedure, you can easily modify the table definition in it to include the two new columns.   Now why Sage added those columns I cannot answer as I haven't found anything yet that actually uses them in the client.  Maybe someone at Sage could give more info on that.

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    Looking at Sage 500 2023, stored procedure specCreateSalesOrder used to belong to Sage's old eCommerce process which would explain why it wasn't updated to include the new columns for Latitude and Longitude.  Sage no longer maintains that code as they no longer offer the eCommerce module.  If your custom task is using this stored procedure, you can easily modify the table definition in it to include the two new columns.   Now why Sage added those columns I cannot answer as I haven't found anything yet that actually uses them in the client.  Maybe someone at Sage could give more info on that.
