Prior 1099 submissions



I am using Sage MAS 500 December 2010 Update (Version


I am encountering an error message for two vendors when registering/posting a batch. In the Manual Check Register: Error Log Listing (APZJXDL3), the error types are registers, the severity are errors, and comments are Prior 1099 submissions exist for vendor xxxxx for 2013, Form 2.


I check the voucher 1099 data for both vendors and don't see anything amiss. All vouchers from the "Edit Voucher 1099 Data" have payments for one vendor; for the other vendor, there are no vouchers. The vendors in question don't have beginning balances and there are no IRS corrections. Moreover, under "Maintain Vendors", one of the vendors has its 1099 information as Business, Misc, 7. The second vendor's 1099 information are Individual, Misc, and 7. Can someone help me resolve this? Thank you so much for your time.