Change Database Collation

Hi everyone, this is my first positing here.

I am needing to change the database collation for our Mas500 (v7.3 & SQL2008SE) database. Somehow the collation (Latin1_General_CI_AI) was set up wrong on the server when it was installed. It has plagued us ever since but we have managed. However we are now faced with upgrading to 2014 and we are told that we must be setup with SQL Server's default collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS). So we are now being forced to deal wit this.

The options are limited from what I can gather...

a. Drop all indexes, keys, constraints etc., off collation dependent objects - change database and object collation - then reapply all objects previously dropped.

b. Use SSIS to transfer all data to a new MAS500 database.

c. Use bulk load operations to transfer all data to a new MAS500 database.

Any one of these options are very evasive and time consuming. I have already unsuccessfully attempted option A with some tools I found. I'll be moving on to option B unless there are other options to be offered.

Has anyone had to deal with this issue? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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