• Sage500 Tablet

    We are a small to mid-sized distribution company who has recently integrated a WMS system. One of the challenges we have faced is the lack of hardware available for Sage 500. Is there a brand of tablet or handhelds that can interface or even utilize…
  • Multiple Office Installs - Export to Excel Option Available but Excel Does Not Launch

    I have a client running Sage 500 2019.. Excel 2010 was originally installed on the server. Export to Excel worked. However, someone tried installing Excel from Office 365. They didn't have the correct licensing for Office. Office 365 was uninstalled and…
  • Sage 500 Domain User Creation - Domain Missing

    Hello, I'm in the process of moving SAGE server from one MS Domain to another. I've imported the DB and Ran the DB update utility to synchronize to the current database. The road block I'm facing is how to add newly created users to Sage if the domain…
  • Expensify to Sage ERP 500 integration

    We have a sage system of sage 500.Using the sdk we insert data into system.Now we need a enter data from a external source (Expensify) in to this.Is any php integration for sage available or stored procedure documentation available for porting Expensify…
  • Microsoft Azure

    Anyone have Sage 500 customers using Microsoft Azure to host their product? If so, how is it going?
  • Document Transmittal via Office 365

    After searching the net for months, I have come across a solution that can hopefully benefit some of you. Please refer to this site to setup an IIS SMTP relay if you have access to a server with IIS: How to Configure IIS for relay with Office 365 . Make…
  • StarShip and Sage 500

    Is anyone using StarShip version 15 or later and Sage 500 2014?