No new version of SI with Sage 500 v2023 release?


I am not finding a download link for Sage Intelligence for Sage 500 2023.   Does that mean there isn't a new version?   So the 2015 version (7.50.00), metabase 6.9.4 is still the latest version available for 500?   

If so, what does that mean for the future of SI or financial reporting for Sage 500 (and other products)?   Will there ever be a new version?

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hello John,

    Thanks for reaching out.  We are definitely committed to Sage Intelligence (for multiple Sage products) for the long haul and are currently investigating the roadmap options for Sage 500.

    We are currently working on an upgrade for SI Core and investigating the feasibility of rolling this out to Sage 500 Intelligence Reporting in the future.

    As Kevin has mentioned above, there is a later version available than 2015 (7.5.0), which is the 2017 (7.7).

  • 0 in reply to Heidi Lambson

    Just checking to see if there's been any new release for Sage 500, since the 2017 (7.7 version but still shows as 2015 in the UI).   Could someone please check and let me know?

  • 0 in reply to John Lian @The ERP Group

    Hi John,

    There hasn't been any new releases for Sage Intelligence as of date. Currently v7.7 is still the "latest" version for the current version of Sage 500 that can be used. So long as in control panel it registers as 7.70.7600.0038 you should be fine. The UI version may show 2015 but it's probably a change that didn't take place when the updated version was released.

  • 0 in reply to RDTupas

    Is someone working on a new release?  Seeing 2015 in the program doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in the product's future...

  • 0 in reply to John Lian @The ERP Group

    Hi John
    Please could you confirm which build you are currently using.  I'm looking for a number like this:  v7.70.7600.0038

    To find this version might depend on your operating system, but go to:
    Programs and Features/Apps and Features
    Locate the Sage 500 ERP Intelligence Reporting entry
    From there you should be able to see the full version number.

  • 0 in reply to John Lian @The ERP Group

    Hi John
    Please could you confirm which build you are currently using.  I'm looking for a number like this:  v7.70.7600.0038

    To find this version might depend on your operating system, but go to:
    Programs and Features/Apps and Features
    Locate the Sage 500 ERP Intelligence Reporting entry
    From there you should be able to see the full version number.
