When entering a manual inventory transaction/adjustment the adjustment batch the header has a "post date" and each adjustment line includes a "transaction date". Both dates default to the current date.
An inventory adjustment batch is entered for the week on 10/16/23 (monday) using a postdate 10/21/23 (saturday of the week of 10/16/23, the date the batch will be posted).
Each day, 10/16 thru 10/20 inventory adjustments are added to the batch with a transaction date based on the date the adjustment physically occurred, e.g. on 10/16 a bag of inventory was dropped and all of the product was destroyed, and that adjustment was entered with a transaction date of 10/16 since the event took place on 10/16.
Each day the batch is saved with the additional adjustment lines using the date the item was physically destroyed/used/written off entered into the transaction date field of the adjustment batch.
At the end of the week there's an adjustment batch with a post date of 10/21 and lines with transaction dates ranging from 10/16/ to 10/20.
What date, transaction date or posting date, controls the impact on the inventory valuation and costing such that the costing layer is updated on that date?
The timcosttier table has a costing date field and it must be either the transaction date or the posting date; which is it?
When reconciling inventory for month end between the inventory valuation and general ledger, which valuation date is used? Transaction date or Posting date?
In my scenario, if the inventory adjustment batch is posted on 10/21 with a post date of 10/21 and there’s multiple inventory adjustment lines between 10/16 and 10/20, what date impacts the costing and valuation for each line of the adjustment batch?